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La Loba
(2021 - 2022)

“The wild nature has a vast integrity to it. It means (...) to draw on the innate feminine powers of intuition and sensing to come into one's cycles, to find what one belongs to."

Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

La Loba is the incipit, the first chapter of a project that addresses the myth of the heroic journey as a metaphor for awareness. A peregrination which starts from the primordial and instinctual female archetype and continues in chapter second and chapter third towards the search for the Sacred and a return to a life in harmony with Nature.


La Loba is an intimate project, but it has a universal vocation. Its dimension is spiritual and tells of a journey within the Psyche, to reveal conditioning and identify one's own life force.


Beginning with a personal introspection, I went backwards, looking for references in the female identities of my family, passing through the cultural origins of my lineage, until I extended my search to the universal feminine, in order to reconnect with intuition and nature, from the microcosm to the macrocosm.


As in an alchemic journey, the portfolio represents the nigredo, the initiation of the awareness process, and is the cathartic narration between body memories, oneiric material and narration of stories, combined with artistic practice. I use self-shooting and performance to awaken ancestral images and effect a liberation from social superstructures.

The synthesis of this process, combining archetype, body and nature, generates a poietic activity through photographic narrative.


La Loba is a image map, between reflections, epiphanies and awareness, which evokes paths to trigger one's own transformation process.

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